Auth0: Management API integration with .Net Core (Part – 4)

In this article, we will see how we can manage Auth0 data i.e. manage Auth0 users, Auth0 organizations, etc. with Management API in .Net Core. In our article Auth0: Basic Setup Guide, we have done the basic setup needed for Auth0 integration. However, we need Machine to Machine Application in order to use Auth0 Management API….

Auth0: Authenticate API integration with React and .Net Core (Part – 3)

In this article, we will integrate Auth0 Authenticate API with web client i.e. React and backend server i.e. .net core. Before moving further we need to do some basic setup in Auth0. Please follow this article Auth0: Basic Setup Guide for the same. In the article Auth0: Authenticate API integration with React, we have utilized auth0…

Multithreading in C# and .NET Core

Multithreading is a powerful technique in software development that allows a program to perform multiple tasks concurrently, thus improving performance and responsiveness. In the world of C# and .NET Core, multithreading is an essential skill for building high-performance applications. In this blog post, we will explore the fundamentals of multithreading in C#. What is Multithreading?…

Configure Multiple DBs with Repository pattern in .Net Core

Need to communicate with multiple DBs in one application?? Usually we don’t face such scenarios. However if such requirement comes in picture, we will see how easy it is to communicate with multiple DBs using repository pattern in .Net Core Web API. To configure mongoDB, we need to install mongoDB driver for C#, this we can…